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Engaging Lessons

McIntyre students are constantly experiencing many engaging, motivating learning opportunities.

Fourth Graders created fingers to see how the joints move.


What We Offer

Engaging Lessons

McIntyre Elementary offers a variety of fantastic learning opportunities at every level of learning. 

Media Center Day


Thursdays are a special day at McIntyre! It is Library day. Students look forward to finding that perfect book in the sea of books our magical librarian, Mrs. Cuthrell has prepared for us. Not only do they get a chance to have their own books, she also prepares many activities that allow scholars to get acquainted with the library and different aspects of media.


Iready Go! CompetitionStudents and staff at McIntyre have used October to focus on their iReady math and reading goals. TThey are increasing their engagement and accuracy. Scholars are working to learn with a purpose. We are so excited to see which grades will finish on top.